Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How To Install A Floor In Aluminum Boat

The transition between the flourishing of the Nueva Cancion Chilena interrupted in 1973 and its continuity in the Canto Nuevo, among its most active men Nano Acevedo. Singer, author, manager and union musical, Acevedo is an urban folk roots singer launched in stages as the precursor Peña Chile Laugh and Sing in 1968, won the OTI festival in Chile in 1977 and has been a union activist on dictatorship and democracy, with forty years of work in which he has written songs like "Rhine of love" and the true success seventies Chilean "Ode to my guitar." Nano Acevedo
is its official name since 1993, but since the mid-'60s Fernando Baldomero Figueroa Acevedo I used it as a pseudonym and as a tribute to his mother. Born in the neighborhood of the capital of San Diego on July 27, 1946, son of a working class family, and rubbed elbows with a child's own bohemian vencidario between the radio play, boxing, circus and theater Caupolicán where and from the eleven years he worked as an occasional caregiver present, trade street for leaving school in fifth year of primary education.


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