Friday, January 23, 2009

How To Build Sticker Pet Society

began test transmissions Israel Radio Hey!

inform you that we started to broadcast on a trial basis, from Radio "Hear O Israel", from our studies in the Negev of Israel.

By the time we transmit a variety of music and some messages from the pastor Angel Gerber, from 25 Forward d eEnero start in more hours and in vivo.

The intention is to go on-line 24 hours with Messianic music, streaming LIVE from Israel, news, etc., with the help of God "s

To access the radio must enter http://oyeisrael . /

can contact us on-line through the Messenger

Remember we are in phase TEST, excuse any errors!

can bring us as we listen and appreciate your advice if you have experience in Internet Radio

recall that the studio, located in a town in the Negev where Palestinian terrorists aiming their missiles to destroy us with the Spirit of Adonai and BUILD we move forward in the Name of Yeshua!

A Radio from Israel and to the ends of the earth in fulfillment of the Great Commission!


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